April 23, 2021

Workplace Violence – Things to Consider

In today’s world of monthly to weekly shootings, it is more pertinent than ever to be aware of the signs of a potentially violent coworker, employee or customer. There are often mannerisms or comments to watch or listen for that could indicate the possibility of someone becoming aggressive. If this concerning behavior had been reported previously, tragic events could have been prevented. Unfortunately, recent shootings have demonstrated how volatile some people can become and as a result, develop into an …


March 22, 2018

Best Practices for Mail Screening and Handling Processes

Given the recent events in Austin, Texas with the package bombings, we wanted to take a minute to briefly discuss best practices for mail/package screening. Mail screening is both an art and a science. Threats in the mail stream are continually changing. New explosives, new electronic trigger devices, and new biological and chemical substances are appearing at more frequent intervals. Nuclear proliferation is making radioactive materials potentially more available than ever before. Terrorists/criminals are hiding explosives in common office supply …


September 19, 2017

Are Your Physical Security Measures Fit for the Cyber World?

Protecting against cyber sabotage is an essential component in managing overall risk for a facility. Cybersecurity and physical security are becoming even more interconnected—but are your physical security measures themselves protected? Many physical security solutions now incorporate a digital element that needs securing like any other cyber system. For example, consider the security cameras used to monitor points of entry and assets at a facility. Some security cameras can be connected to each other and to a monitoring station utilizing …


September 1, 2017

Former DHS secretary says corporate boards must manage risks and expectations

Data breaches in the enterprise are no longer just a minor irritant. They have become a fact of life — a situation that brings renewed focus to the role that boards of directors should play in a company’s cybersecurity strategy. But the challenges facing corporate boards are also tough, because the reality of today’s cybersecurity world is that building a secure perimeter around information technology infrastructure simply doesn’t work anymore. Intruders are going to get through, so it becomes more a strategy …


May 24, 2017

Manchester Attack Points to Vulnerabilities Even at Venues with High Security

The explosion at an Ariana Grande concert in the British city of Manchester killed at least 22 people and injured dozens. It is raising new questions about how authorities can better protect large venues. Michael Downing, executive vice president of security for Prevent Advisors, which specializes in arena and stadium security, said many American and European venues already use metal detectors, bomb detection technology and armies of security guards and cameras inside the facilities. But the Manchester incident shows the need for …